Wednesday 17 October 2007

Study Week Three...and Four....and Five!


Long time no write-I just don't seem to be able to plonk my (ever expanding) backside down with all my notes to write the entries this past few weeks-the lure of a bottle of pino and X-Factor is too strong (yes, thats right, X-Factor. Shoot me now!!). However, like a prudish erudite I have been working away and am in fact now onto my TMA. Or, I should be onto my TMA-I am currently suffering a severe mental block in terms of ethics and methods and countless other words that I am completely unaware of the meaning of (and who's definitions often turn up more questions than answers!). So tonight I am going to sit down and go over all of my notes and write up my entrys in the hopes of cementing all the info into my brain, hopefully!!

At my last entry i'd gotten upto Erikson's psychosocial theory and Marcia's further development of this theory with the semi-structured interview technique. Following on from that now comes SIT (social identity theory, encompassing Tajfel's experiments with minimal groups and group identity) and social constructionism (which is as clear as mud to me and I have to re-read!!). Following that also is then the research methods book (ARRGGHHHH!!) and the commentary at the end of the chapter, as well as the workbook (which I fully admit to only skipping through and not doing the exercise. To be honest, it's hard to find the time to do the real essay, let alone sitting down trying to develop 'pretend' ones lol). Oh, and also the audio-cue more cheesy music-which I found strangly compelling (I say strangely as usually the audios are used as fail-safe cures for my fleeting insomnia), so much so that I purchased 'A Savage God' by A Alverez (the funny old guy from the audio).

I would love to say that this book was excellent-thought-provoking, heart breaking, shocking-however, I can't say any of these things as the book in question is currently stagnating in Her Majesty's postal system somewhere, *sigh*.

So, I shall be back later with more info, hopefully. Although perhaps not as much as last time-for my last entry I wrote 1300 words, which is three hundren words longer than the essay is supposed to be lol. Clearly my skills of refining the info into relevant chunks needs working on!!

Candy flee x

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