Wednesday 26 September 2007

Day One

Yawn. Why is it that children insist on waking up before mid day? Seriously, given the chance I can easily stay in bed into the afternoon, but my children don't see the appeal in this. I can't wait until they are teenagers.

Anyway-onto the course. I'd completed the prep pack and gone through the ssps package (which still makes absolutely no sense to me, but I am mathmatically dyslexic) and the intro to the methods book so am poised to start the actual work today. Introduction to book one. I'm really excited about getting stuck in but also terrified in case I don't get it and get completely stuck. I still haven't been assigned a tutor so there's no one at the moment to turn to if it all goes pear-shaped-thank god for the various study groups that have been set up for the course! I have people on firstclass, yahoo, msn and facebook who I can attempt to glean info from-hopefully I shall be able to return the favour to them all!!

I sent my last TMA for DD100 the other week and it's showing up on my student homepage as being received so I can relax and wait for the results now, although according to the assessment calculator I only need the 30% pass rate as I did quite well on all my other assignments (90% for TMA05, thank you very much!!) so I'm not too worried about having passed it. I know TMA06 wasn't brill but I think I've done enough to pass-famous last words!!

Right-I shall do another entry once I have finished the reading and watched the appropriate clips/listened to the audio. I really hope the reading doesn't bog me down as there is so much!!

Until next time!!


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1 comment:

J said...


It's Judith from the DSE212 Yahoo Group here, I came across you blog through the links section on the Yahoo site.

I enjoyed reading you first two entries, you say you're new to this blogging malarky but I have to complement you on your writing!

It sounds like you're getting stuck in to the course, well done. I wish I could say the same, I hope to post DD100 TMA06 tomorrow, then I can get on with it, I'm itching to do it but the darn TMA is taking up more time than I'd like.

Enough of my rambling, I hope to read more of your entries over the next couple of months.

All the best