Saturday 15 September 2007

Let the blogging begin!


To begin, let me admit to being a complete blog virgin. Having never travelled this path before, rest assured my ramblings may well be meaningless and asinine, but rather than boring my nearest and dearest with my course thoughts, I thought that thrashing them out here would be more beneficial than attempting to articulate my findings to the glossed over expression on my loved ones faces as they attempt to feign interest, when they'd much rather be contemplating the outcome of this weeks Corrie or that latest disaster that has become English rugby.

Each week, I aim to write an entry about the week's study in order to set the record straight in my own head about what's going on in the course, and also to have something to look back on in my own words that might make better sense than the scribbled down notes covered in coffee rings that, in the harsh light of day, don't actually make any sense at all. For anyone reading this (if at all!!) please feel free to leave comments and to correct my glaring mistakes!

Right-onto the course!

What I am referring to, as the title says it all, is DSE212, Exploring Psychology, offered by the OU. My aim is to, at some distant point down the line, graduate with a BSc. (Hons) Psychology, although what the future holds after that is unknown. Hopefully my days of languishing behind a checkout desk are behind me!

My first mail out arrived yesterday. Having spent the majority of the next hour fighting the urge to run for the hills screaming after spotting the statistics publication, I got down to trying to organise a route through the materials. I *think* I have it in order thanks to the excellent study guide provided in the pack. I've gone through the introductory sections of the study guide and the workbook and have loaded my statistics package onto my trusty laptop. Now it's time to crack on with the course, beginning with the Introduction of the Mapping Psychology book (which, in comparison with my previous course DD100's books, seems huge and intimidating) and the corresponding section of the workbook, plus sections 1-3 of the assignment booklet (finding out I'd have to consult an assignment booklet so early in the course provided me with another hair-raising experience). These are the 'core directed' study components of the week. Along side this are the optional 'student directed' study components which consist of watching material from the DVD-ROM and listening to Audio Programme 1.

However, the course does not officially begin until October 6th. Although I want to begin a week or so early i don't want to crack on straight away, however tempting that may be, as I know I will spend three weeks on the introduction and then end up falling behind, so for the next week or so I want to go through the SSPS book and the research methods book to try and get some familiar with the terminology that I'm sure will return to baffle me time and time again throughout the course of this, erm, course.

Until next time!!

Candy Flee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Just to say I really appreciate your blog! I also just completed DD100 and am now on DSE212. You inspire me to dedicate more time and brain to my studies. Thanks & good luck! =) Desta